Allyssa Beird

Allyssa Beird

What is Asset Liability Management?


Imagine you were put in charge of billions of customer dollars, but you lost them. Congratulations, you are a decision-maker at Silicon Valley Bank. SVB’s inability to manage both interest rate risk and liquidity risk sent them into a painful…

Guide to ACH Risk Assessment and Management


Account takeover, business email compromise, and impersonation fraud. Each of these terms describes a threat to financial institutions described in a joint paper published by Nacha and the Global Resilience Federation. Financial institutions should care because Nacha, or the National…

What is an ACH Return? An Explainer Guide


When you initiate an electronic transaction using the Automated Clearing House (ACH), you assume it’s complete as soon as the information in your electronic system is sent off into the World Wide Web. However, ACH does not guarantee instantaneously settled…

What is Capital Risk in Banking?

Treasury Management

Small regional banks and large investment banks alike face capital risk. Similar forces drive both risk networks, but robust tools and preparation can help finance professionals predict their interactions, regardless of bank size. Aims at such preparation arrive in the…

What is Treasury Management & Why is it Important?


Financial headlines spell out the importance of treasury management, sometimes with cautionary stories about treasury mismanagement. The treasury management role is not only crucial for big commercial banks but also for small banks and the startups that do business with…

What are the Main Fair Lending Laws & Regulations?

Fair Lending Laws and Regulations

Register for Passport What are your pronouns? A loaded, controversial question for some, it’s a cue that their own gender identity will be respected by others. In banking, this seemingly political question still matters. That’s because banks are essential tools…

Bank Secrecy Act Reporting Requirements

Bank Secrecy Act

It’s about being in the right place at the right time. It’s not top secret, but it’s close. Just like that, a bank professional becomes an espiocrat’s ally. When you’re in banking long enough, you could easily find yourself in…

What is the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970?

Bank Secrecy

The cash is filthy. In the hands of criminals, money laundering seems like an easy fix for ill-gotten gains. A few deposits and strategic moves could clean up untold sums of cash, making it ready to use for such dark…