Allyssa Beird

Allyssa Beird

How Do Prepaid Cards Work?

Prepaid Cards

Have you ever wondered how prepaid cards work? Would you like to know the differences between prepaid and debit cards? This article will discuss how prepaid cards work and why they are helpful. Prepaid debit cards are a convenient way…

What is Fair Lending? Definition & Relevant Laws

Definitions & Relevant Laws

The laws that make up fair lending are designed to prevent financial institutions from discriminating against certain groups of people. These laws help to ensure equal treatment for all. What is Fair Lending? Fair lending laws are designed to prevent…

Internal Audit and How Does it Work?

Internal Audit

Are you wondering what an internal auditor does? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Internal auditing is a process designed and conducted by companies to check their efficiency and effectiveness. Internal Auditors check the various components of an…

Flood Insurance Compliance Requirements for Lenders

Flood Insurance Compliance

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is the only nationwide program that provides flood insurance coverage to homeowners, renters, and businesses. It’s also the only flood insurance available through the private market. What are flood insurance and flood insurance compliance?…

Bank Fraud Examples & Types

Bank Fraud Examples and types

Bank fraud can be any sort of illegal act involving a financial institution. It is usually done by an employee or customer with the intent to defraud the bank, whether financially or otherwise. The most common types of bank fraud…