Category Blog

What Does an Electronic Banking (eBanking) Specialist Do?

Electronic Banking Specialist Do

Electronic banking, or eBanking, has revolutionized the banking industry, making it more accessible, convenient, and efficient. In this rapidly evolving landscape, electronic banking specialists have emerged as indispensable assets within financial institutions. These skilled professionals manage electronic banking services, safeguarding…

Check Processing Guide: How it’s Done

Check Processing Guide

Register for Passport Check processing is a critical part of any business and it’s important to understand how it works so that you can take advantage of all of its benefits. When you think of payments, what’s the first thing…

What is an AAP Certification and How to Get It

AAP Certification

If you’re a banker and would like to boost your career, consider getting  Accredited ACH Professional (AAP) certification. The process of getting AAP certified can seem complicated at first, but if you work with banks, or are planning to do…

What is ACH Origination and How Does it Work?

ACH Origination

If you’re a small business owner, ACH—or Automated Clearing House—is probably something you’ve heard of. But how do you know if it’s right for your business? And what are the benefits of getting ACH services in the first place? ACH…

How Do Prepaid Cards Work?

Prepaid Cards

Have you ever wondered how prepaid cards work? Would you like to know the differences between prepaid and debit cards? This article will discuss how prepaid cards work and why they are helpful. Prepaid debit cards are a convenient way…