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Welcome to the HubPartnership Affiliate Program from BankersHub!

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Open a New Revenue Stream for you and/or your business by sharing cutting-edge financial services training resources with your professional network!

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Why Partner with BankersHub?

BankersHub is…

  • Dedicated: Since 2012, Bank webinarsBankersHub has educated thousands of financial institutions with the latest industry best practices and trends, research insights, technology reviews, and regulatory compliance updates.

  • Depth: Over 400 courses now broadcast annually…more than any other online education firm in financial services.

  • Easy: Our Learning Management System, BankerCollege, gives financial professionals single sign-in access to all material.

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The HubPartnership Affiliate Program

Do You or Your Business Have…?

  • A large customer or vendor network in the financial services industry?

  • Trusted relationships where you strive to consistently add value?

  • The need or desire to find new ways to grow your revenues and credibility in financial services?

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How Does the HubPartnership Affiliate Program Work?

Once accepted into the Program, you will be able to…

  • Receive access to Bank webinarsyour customized portal page.

  • Utilize your custom link containing your unique alliance code for promoting any of BankersHub’s webinars, on-demand certifications and event the highly popular Passport Membership.

  • Track referrals and sales in your portal page.

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How Much Can I Earn?

Your earnings are a result of how successfully you are able to share BankersHub training with your network. We offer a generous commission on sales to make this opportunity an attractive way to supplement your existing lines of business, or build a new revenue stream![/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”32″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” leaf_row_scheme=”0″ css=”.vc_custom_1553207405240{background-color: #ffffff !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Next Steps!

To get the ball rolling on your new revenue stream, just send us an email to Service@BankersHub.com or
Click Here to send us a note now and get started right away!

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