What does AI mean for compliance officers? Are we going to be replaced?!
Human thinking and reasoning is still superior (and principled, ethical, and honorable) to computer extrapolation, but AI and Machine Learning IS a new tool that could be harnessed to help us do our jobs more efficiently and effectively... or make things miserably unfair. Truly, it could go either way, so compliance professionals need to get up to speed on the quickly evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence, how it can be used or abused, and what regulatory authorities currently have to say about it.
- What is AI?
- Types of AI
o Machine Learning
o Deep Learning
o Generative AI
o Large Language Models
o AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)
- AI’s Role in Financial Institutions
- Risks!
o Information Security
o Deepfakes
o Privacy
o Fair Lending
§ Garbage in / garbage out
§ Bias in / bias out
o AI Hallucinations
o Third Party Management
- Regulatory Outlook
- Regulatory Guidance to date
o HUD’s guidance on the application of the Fair Housing Act to digital advertising
o The US Treasury Department’s report on Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Compliance officers, front line staff (customer service and tellers), teller managers, operations officers, lenders, and anyone who faces bank customers.